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Conservation & Restoration
We officially ensure the conservation and restoration of all Cruz-Diez's works Following the unique methods designed by the artist and relying on his archives, we guarantee the integrity of the works during the interventions.
We offer our expertise to private collections, public collections and institutions, as well as to any individual in possession of a Cruz-Diez artwork. This support aims to preserve the artist's artistic legacy and material heritage
Media & Copyrights
We handle press inquiries in collaboration with our partner Bridgeman Images, which manages intellectual property rights. A regularly updated image bank is available on their website.
With the support of the Documentation Center, we are also available to respond to any request related to documentary and iconographic resources on the artist's work, whether from researchers, art historians, or students
Nous gérons toutes demandes relatives à la presse et collaborons avec Bridgeman Images afin d'assurer le respect des droits de propriété intellectuelle.
Le Centre de Documentation de l'Atelier Cruz-Diez Paris garantie la validité des informations grâce à la conservation de nombreuses archives et la coopération de conservateurs, chercheurs, journalistes et historiens de l'art.
Registry and Authentication
As a reference tool for research, the registry of works is an extension of the artist’s archives. We gather information to establish the provenance of each work, ensuring their authenticity and overseeing the due diligence of certificate issuance that follows.
We encourage private and public collections, institutions, and any individual in possession of a Cruz-Diez work to engage in this process, which aims to preserve and transmit the artist's artistic and intellectual legacy
Artwork Authentification
Notre équipe spécialisée se réfère aux documents originaux conservés au Centre de Documentation pour établir l’origine et vérifier l’authenticité des œuvres de Cruz-Diez.
Ce processus, dans lequel nous encourageons les propriétaires à s'engager, garantit que ces œuvres sont dûment enregistrées dans les archives de l’Atelier, assurant ainsi la préservation de l’héritage de l’artiste pour les générations futures.
Information requests
Our teams are at your disposal for any requests regarding collaboration projects as well as for commercial or institutional inquiries.