Vivir en Arte, Recuerdos de lo que me Acuerdo
Cruz-Diez, Carlos
Paris: Cruz-Diez Foundation, 2014, 358 p.
ISBN: 978-6078310018
In the sixties, there was a very intense intellectual and artistic climate, which is not the same as today. It was a time of happy coincidences where artists and intellectuals from Latin America and Europe would meet in bistros, restaurants, and cafés. If you went to La Coupole, it was very likely to run into Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, surrounded by their friends. At Le Dôme, you could find Ionesco, Giacometti, and many others.
Cruz-Diez - Vivir en Arte: Recuerdos de lo que me acuerdo, 1995